现代铜雕 |
添加时间:2019/8/21 16:48:30 浏览次数: |
现代铜雕 Modern Copper Carving 现代雕塑里,铜雕在装饰物这一块所占的分量越来越重要。一些软装设计公司提交设计方案里很多艺术品都有用到铜雕。比起古老的商周时代,其装饰性占首要作用。 In modern sculpture, bronze sculpture is becoming more and more important in decoration. Copper sculptures are used in many works of art submitted by some softcover design companies. Compared with the ancient Shang and Zhou Dynasties, its decorative features played a primary role. 优秀的城市广场雕塑作品应该与周围的自然环境珠联璧合、遥相呼应;城市雕塑能使城市更具亲和力,是上升一座城市的标志、甚而成为城市人文精神的集中体现,这在世界著名的大、中城市中不乏先例。 Excellent sculpture works of city squares should be in perfect harmony with the surrounding natural environment; urban sculpture can make the city more affinity, is the symbol of a rising city, and even become the concentrated embodiment of the city's humanistic spirit, which is a precedent in the world's famous large and medium-sized cities. 现代城市雕塑就像城市的眼睛,最能反映出城市的风采和神韵。作为空间艺术的城市雕塑,虽然是隶属于环境的存在而存在,但城市却积极主动地给环境以充实,增强人们对于环境的主观意识。 Modern city sculpture is like the city's eyes, which can best reflect the charm and charm of the city. As a space art, urban sculpture exists as a subordinate to the environment, but the city actively enriches the environment and enhances people's subjective awareness of the environment. |
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