铜雕佛像制作工艺 |
添加时间:2019/8/12 13:39:43 浏览次数: |
制作工艺 Manufacturing Technology 一般分为锻造和铸造。目前国内锻造佛像方面最出色的要数杭州金星铜工程,铸造佛像方面则是安徽铜陵的佛香天逸佛文化有限公司最为突出。 Generally divided into forging and casting. At present, the most outstanding forging Buddha statue in China is the Venus Copper Project in Hangzhou, and the most prominent one is the Foxiangtianyi Buddha Culture Co., Ltd. in Tongling, Anhui Province. 杭州金星是由目前国内唯一的铜雕国家级工艺美术大师朱炳仁领衔,朱炳仁大师是百年铜艺的第四代传承人,其独特的工艺手法已被收为国家级非物质文化遗产。 Venus in Hangzhou is led by Zhu Bingren, the only national master of bronze carving arts and crafts in China. Master Zhu Bingren is the fourth generation successor of bronze art in a century. His unique craftsmanship has been accepted as the national intangible cultural heritage. 安徽铜陵的佛香天逸佛文化有限公司以弘扬佛文化为准则,不断创新的制作工艺为基石,以成为铜佛像界新的领导者。 Anhui Tongling Foxiangtianyi Buddhist Culture Co., Ltd. takes the promotion of Buddhist culture as the criterion, and constantly innovative production technology as the cornerstone, in order to become a new leader in the field of bronze Buddha statues. |
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