佛像种类 |
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Types of Buddha 在佛教寺院中,供俸着许多种佛像,因为其身分不同,佛像的形象、材料、种类也不相同,佛相依其身分,可分为佛、菩萨、明王、天等数种。 In Buddhist monasteries, there are many kinds of Buddha statues. Because of their different identities, the images, materials and types of Buddha statues are also different. Buddhas depend on their identities and can be divided into Buddha, Bodhisattva, King Ming and Heaven.kongzhigui.75ix.cn baohuqid.75ix.cn baohuqi.75ix.cn zhenkongdaib.75ix.cn zhenkongdaic.75ix.cn tanceqi.75ix.cn 佛陀圣像 Statue of Buddha 在狭义上说,是指释迦牟尼佛的意思,但是,随着佛教教理的发达,“佛陀观”便分为法、报、应三身。遍满宇宙寂静之无色无形的理佛,称为法身佛;为着救度众生经过长时间积功累德的结果而显现出佛身,并建立净土的是为报身佛;因化益众生,而出现在娑婆世界的,是为应身佛。如大日如来为法身佛,弥陀如来为报身佛,释迦如来为应身佛。诸佛的名字在经典上记载的,有卢舍那佛、大日佛、释迦佛、阿弥陀佛、药师佛等,还有宝生佛、开敷华王佛、天鼓雷音佛、阿閦佛、不空成就佛、多宝佛、定光佛(大庄严佛像制)等是较少听到的。佛有时称如来,这是梵语多陀阿迦度的意思。 In a narrow sense, it refers to the meaning of Sakyamuni Buddha. However, with the development of Buddhist doctrine, "Buddha's view" can be divided into three parts: law, reward and response. The colorless and invisible Buddha which is full of the silence of the universe is called Dharma Buddha; it shows Buddha's body in order to save all living beings after a long time of accumulation of merits and virtues, and establishes the Pure Land for reimbursement of Buddha; and it appears in the Suva world for the benefit of all living beings. If the Great Sun Buddha comes to Dharma Buddha, the Mita Buddha comes to reward Buddha, and the Sakya Buddha comes to reward Buddha. The names of Buddhas are recorded in the classics, such as Luxena Buddha, Great Sun Buddha, Sakyamuni Buddha, Amitabha Buddha, Pharmacist Buddha, etc. There are also Baosheng Buddha, Kaifu Wang Buddha, Tiangu Leiyin Buddha, Azuo Buddha, Wukong Achievement Buddha, Dobha Buddha, Dingguang Buddha (Grand Majestic Buddha Statue System) and so on, which are seldom heard. Buddha sometimes calls the Tathagata, which is the meaning of Sanskrit Dora Agada. 菩萨圣像 Statue of Bodhisattva 观世音菩萨 Arya Avalokiteshvara 观世音菩萨菩萨,有文殊、普贤、弥勒、日光、月光、虚空藏、地藏,以及随侍阿弥陀佛的二十五菩萨、观世音等,不胜枚举。其中观世音菩萨尤为著名。观世音菩萨又称观世音大士、观自在、白衣大士等。菩萨两字是梵语菩提萨埵的缩写,也有译成大道心众生、大士、高士、觉有情等。 Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva, including Manjusri, Puxian, Maitreya, Sunshine, Moonlight, Void Storage, Geological Storage, and the twenty-five Bodhisattvas and Guan Shiyin attending Amitabha Buddha, are numerous. Among them, Guan Shiyin Bodhisattva is especially famous. Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva is also known as Avalokitesvara Master, Avalokitesvara Master, Baiyi Master and so on. Bodhisattva is the abbreviation of Sanskrit Bodhisattva. It has also been translated into Taoist sentient beings, monks, nobles and feeling. |
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