佛像意义 |
添加时间:2019/1/17 15:56:34 浏览次数: |
佛像意义 Meaning of Buddha 第一意思是:报恩。一切众生于我们都有恩,恩德最大的无过于老师,佛菩萨是我们的老师,我们接受佛菩萨教诲,这才真正觉悟,成就我们的法身慧命,所以供养佛菩萨是纪念老师,感恩不忘。 The first meaning is: repay grace. All sentient beings are gracious to us. The greatest thing of Ende is the teacher. Buddha and Bodhisattva are our teachers. We accept Buddha and Bodhisattva's teachings. Only then can we truly realize and achieve our Dharma-body wisdom and life. Therefore, to provide Buddha and Bodhisattva is to commemorate the teacher and to be grateful. 第二意思最重要:见贤思齐。佛是凡夫修成的,供养他的形象,提醒我们向他学习,也要成佛。要学佛的存心立愿,生活、工作、处事、待人、接物,样样向佛学习。不能把佛菩萨当神明看待,那就迷信了,就错了,就把佛教变成宗教,就不是教育了。 The second meaning is most important: See the wise and think alike. Buddha is made by ordinary people. It supports his image and reminds us to learn from him and become Buddha as well. To learn from Buddha's will, to live, work, do things, treat people, receive things, learn from Buddha in every way. If Buddha and Bodhisattva cannot be regarded as gods, they will be superstitious and wrong. They will turn Buddhism into religion instead of education. 贡品 Tribute 香:香表信,代表戒定真香,见到香,闻到香,知道自己要修戒、定、慧是修学的目的。 Fragrance: The fragrant cousin represents the true fragrance of the precept, seeing fragrance and smelling fragrance, knowing that the purpose of learning is to cultivate discipline, determination and wisdom. 灯:象征燃烧自己,照亮别人。每个人都要有奉献精神,舍己为人,为社会服务。灯也代表智慧光明。 Lamp: It symbolizes burning oneself and illuminating others. Everyone should have the spirit of dedication, sacrifice oneself for others and serve the society. The lamp also represents wisdom and light. 水:佛前供一杯水,要想到我们的心象水一样清净、平等。 Water: A glass of water is offered before the Buddha. We should think that our hearts are as pure and equal as water. 花果:佛前供花果,代表修善因,得善果。提醒我们要深信因果,存好心、说好话、行好事、做好人。 Flowers and fruits: Flowers and fruits offered before Buddha represent good causes and good fruits. Remind us to believe in cause and effect, to be kind, to say good words, to do good deeds and to be good people. |
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