清代佛像特点 |
添加时间:2019/11/25 14:46:35 浏览次数: |
清代佛像脸型方圆丰润,丰颐宽额,五官精致,双目传神。身体比例协调,造型优美。多着汉式衣服,衣纹呈放射状,衣褶曲折生动,帔帛较为宽大。胸前所饰的璎珞、串珠雕刻得极为精美细腻。莲座底沿明显外撇,莲瓣规整,扁平,一般只围大半,度母眼线为一波三折式,间距较宽,冠叶呈平板状,不镂空。 In the Qing Dynasty, the face of the Buddha is round and plump, with a wide forehead, delicate features and vivid eyes. Body proportion coordination, beautiful shape. There are many Han style clothes, with radial patterns, zigzag and vivid pleats, and broad silk. The wreaths and beads on the chest are exquisitely carved. The bottom of the rosette is obviously flattened outside, and the lotus petal is regular and flat. Generally, it only covers more than half. |
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