菩慧铜雕佛像之弥勒佛 |
添加时间:2018/12/30 14:13:00 浏览次数: |
菩慧铜雕佛像之弥勒佛 Maitreya Buddha, Bronze Statue of Bodhisattva 弥勒佛 Maitreya Buddha 弥勒佛(即弥勒菩萨)(梵文Maitreya,巴利文Metteyya),意译为慈氏,音译为梅呾利耶、梅怛俪药,佛教八大菩萨之一,大乘佛教经典中又常被称为阿逸多菩萨,是释迦牟尼佛的继任者,将在未来娑婆世界降生成佛,成为娑婆世界的下一尊佛,在贤劫千佛中将是第五尊佛,常被尊称为当来下生弥勒尊佛。被唯识学派奉为鼻祖,其庞大思想体系由无著、世亲菩萨阐释弘扬,深受中国佛教大师道安和玄奘的推崇。现代学者从语言学分析起步展开联想,认为弥勒可能与在中亚流行的密特拉(Mitra)神和印度的密多罗(Mitra)神有关,有人还进一步认为他们(Maitreya)与弥赛亚(Messiah)的音义相似。 Maitreya, Pali Metteyya, translated freely into Cishi, transliterated into Mahayana, Meili, one of the eight Buddhist Bodhisattvas. Mahayana Buddhist classics are often referred to as Ayido Bodhisattva. It is the successor of Sakyamuni Buddha. It will be the next Buddha in the Sadha world in the future. It will be the fifth Buddha in the Sadha world. Respecting Buddha is often honored as the present-born Maitreya Respecting Buddha. Being regarded as the originator of the school of intellectualism, its vast ideological system was elaborated and carried forward by the noble and kindred Bodhisattvas, and was highly respected by the Chinese Buddhist masters Dao'an and Xuanzang. Modern scholars start with linguistic analysis and think that Maitreya may have something to do with the popular Mitra gods in Central Asia and the Indian Mitra gods. Some people further think that their pronunciation is similar to that of Messiah. 出身于南天竺婆罗门家庭,是释迦牟尼的弟子,常修行菩萨道,现住兜率天兜率内院修行、说法,等待将来到人间成佛。弥勒的梵文Maitreya是一个很常见的婆罗门姓氏,字根源自梵文的Maitrī,意为慈爱。玄奘到印度求学时,直译梵文Maitreya为梅呾利耶。 Born in a Brahman family in Southern Tianzhu, he is a disciple of Sakyamuni. He often practices Bodhisattva Tao. Now he lives in Tiandao and the Inner Court, where he practices and speaks, waiting for Buddha to come into the world in the future. Maitreya, the Sanskrit language of Maitreya, is a very common Brahman surname. The word originates from Maitr in Sanskrit, meaning love. When Xuanzang went to India to study, he literally translated Sanskrit Maitreya into Megaliya. |
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