铜雕佛像不同姿势的含义 |
添加时间:2018/12/13 13:30:41 浏览次数: |
铜雕佛像不同姿势的含义 我们去寺庙拜佛一般都会发现铜雕佛像的各种姿势,但是你知道他们的含义是什么吗?今天专业的铜雕厂家就带大家一起来学习一下铜雕佛像不同姿势的含义。 The meaning of different postures of bronze Buddha statues When we go to temples to worship Buddha, we usually find various postures of bronze Buddha statues, but do you know what they mean? Today, professional bronze sculpture manufacturers will take you together to learn the meaning of different postures of bronze Buddha statues. 一切佛像从其形体容貌来说,都是相同的。区别各个不同的佛像,主要是从其手的姿势来分辨的。 All Buddha statues are the same in terms of their shape and appearance. The main way to distinguish different Buddha statues is from the posture of their hands. 例如释迦牟尼佛有说法像、降魔像、禅定像之不同: For example, Sakyamuni Buddha has different statues, demons and meditation statues. 右手上举,以食指与大拇指做环形,其余三指微伸,是说法相; Lift your right hand up and make a ring with your forefinger and thumb. The other three fingers are slightly extended. 右手平伸五指,抚右膝上是降魔像; The right hand stretches five fingers flat and touches the right knee to show the demon. 以右掌压左掌,仰置足上肚脐前,是禅定像; Pressing the left palm with the right palm and putting the foot up in front of the navel is a meditation image. 阿弥陀佛像是以右掌压左掌置足上,掌中置宝瓶; 药师傅佛像是垂伸右手,掌向外,以食指与大拇指夹一药丸。 Amitabha Buddha is placed on his feet with his right palm pressing on his left palm and a vase in his palm. The Pharmacist Buddha is hanging out his right hand with his palm facing out and holding a pill between his forefinger and thumb. 密宗佛像大都显得威严、愤怒,有的三面六臂;有的手持各种兵器;有的系着人头璎珞,身后燃烧着火焰;有的拥抱着美丽而温柔的女神--女神一身赤裸,腰系璎珞,姿态柔丽舒展--这种真实的雄性,表现了浪漫的动人风采。 Most of the Buddhist statues in Tanzania are majestic and angry, with three sides and six arms; some are armed with various weapons; some are wearing bangles on their heads and burning flames behind them; some embrace beautiful and gentle goddesses - Goddess naked, waist-tied bangles, and soft and stretching posture - this true male shows a romantic and moving demeanor. |
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