浅谈古代铜雕 |
添加时间:2018/11/26 17:03:05 浏览次数: |
“南朝四百八十寺,多少楼台烟雨中”这一唐杜牧诗充分说明了佛在南朝盛行的程度.佛像元宝在南朝的出现不奇怪,梁朝武帝就是个佛教狂。 The Tang Du Mu poem "480 temples in the Southern Dynasty, how many buildings are in the smoke and rain" fully illustrates the extent to which Buddha prevailed in the Southern Dynasty. It is not surprising that the Buddha image Yuanbao appeared in the Southern Dynasty. Emperor Wu of the Liang Dynasty was a Buddhist fanatic. 而铜佛像的产生与铜雕有关,铜雕产生于商周,是以铜料为胚,运用雕刻、铸塑等手法制作的一种雕塑。铜雕艺术主要表现了造型、质感、纹饰的美,多用于表现神秘有威慑力的宗教题材。铜佛像也因此产生。 The bronze Buddha statue is related to the bronze sculpture. Bronze sculpture originated in Shang and Zhou Dynasties. It is a kind of sculpture which is made of copper material as embryo by means of sculpture and casting. Copper carving art mainly expresses the beauty of shape, texture and decoration, mostly used to express mysterious and deterrent religious themes. Bronze Buddha statues were also created. 在古代铜器物中,每个朝代的皇帝都偏爱于佛像,以至于铜器物中,以铜佛像最为尊贵。唐以前的佛像艺术价值较高,但因存世有限,市场上非常罕见。明清的金铜佛像就构成了今天中国古代佛像投资市场的主体。明代铸造金铜佛像非常兴盛。 Among the ancient bronze objects, emperors of every dynasty preferred Buddha statues, so that among the bronze objects, the bronze Buddha statues were the most noble. Before the Tang Dynasty, Buddhist statues had a high artistic value, but because of their limited existence, they were very rare in the market. The gold and bronze Buddha statues of Ming and Qing Dynasties constitute the main body of the investment market of ancient Buddha statues in China today. The casting of gold and bronze Buddha statues was very prosperous in Ming Dynasty. 在目前古玩收藏市场上,字画、瓷器、玉器等都已是屡见不鲜了,司空见惯之后,大众也会有审美疲劳。于是,众人将目标悄悄转移至其他古玩摆件上,佛像摆件便是热门之一。尤其是现代社会,由年轻一代引起的“佛系”概念,也影响着古玩界。无论是入门级的收藏家还是资深收藏家,家里必然会摆放三到五件佛像,有玉器、瓷器、铜器等佛像。而这其中,最抢手热门的便是铜佛像,尤其是黄铜佛像与紫铜佛像。其因有三,其一,不易损坏,无论是玉器佛像还是瓷器佛像,其易损率是比铜佛像还要高的,家中小孩一不小心,便弄碎一件,其二,稀缺性,玉器佛像也好,瓷器佛像也好,其数量远超于铜佛像,且大多数都是现代工艺,少有古代的,这其中不乏多数已消失在历史长河中,唯有铜佛像不易损坏,能保存至今的都是精品,其三,历史重量,玉器佛像、瓷器佛像、铜器佛像的历史出场顺序中,最早乃是铜佛像,因铜佛像乃是早期随着佛教传入中国。也因此三点,铜佛像在古玩市场风生水起,水涨船高。 In the current antique collection market, calligraphy, painting, porcelain, jade and so on are common, common, the public will also have aesthetic fatigue. As a result, people have quietly shifted their goals to other antique decorations, and Buddha statue decoration is one of the hot spots. Especially in modern society, the concept of "Buddhism" caused by the younger generation also affects the antique world. Whether it is an entry-level collector or or a senior collector, there will inevitably be three or five Buddhist statues in the house, including jade, porcelain, bronze and other Buddhist statues. Among them, the most popular ones are bronze Buddha statues, especially brass Buddha statues and bronze Buddha statues. There are three reasons. First, it is not easy to damage. The vulnerability rate of jade Buddha statues or porcelain Buddha statues is higher than that of bronze Buddha statues. If a child is not careful, he will break one. Second, it is scarce. Jade Buddha statues and porcelain Buddha statues are better than bronze Buddha statues, and most of them are modern crafts and few. In ancient times, many of them have disappeared in the long history. Only the bronze Buddha statues are not easily damaged and can be preserved till now. Thirdly, the historical weight, the historical appearances of jade Buddha statues, porcelain Buddha statues and bronze Buddha statues, the earliest of which is bronze Buddha statues, because the bronze Buddha statues were introduced into China in the early period with Buddhism. Therefore, three points, the bronze Buddha statue in the antique market, rising water, rising boats. |
上一页 菩慧铜雕佛像之弥勒佛 |
下一页 铜佛像制作工艺 |
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