佛教历史 |
添加时间:2018/10/19 16:04:58 浏览次数: |
佛教历史 The history of Buddhism 那么铜佛像是如何产生的呢?又有什么宗教文化内涵呢?这还得从佛教建立说起。佛教创立者是2000多年前印度大陆的迦毗罗王国的王子,姓乔答摩,名悉达多。因为他是释迦族人,人们尊称他为释迦牟尼,意思是“释迦族的圣人”。释迦牟尼圆寂之后的最初几百年间,佛教尚未传遍亚洲各国,但是当时在印度已经出现了各种不同的佛教教派。后整合为三大主要派别:小乘佛教、大乘佛教、密宗佛教。 So how did the bronze Buddha come into being? What are the religious and cultural connotations? This has to start with the establishment of Buddhism. The founder of Buddhism was the prince of the Kapira Kingdom on the Indian mainland more than 2,000 years ago. His surname was Gautama and his name was Siddhartha. Because he is a Sakyamuni, and people call him Shakya Muni, meaning "Sakyamuni sage". During the first few hundred years after Sakyamuni's death, Buddhism had not spread throughout Asia, but there were already various Buddhist sects in India. After the integration into three main factions: Mahayana Buddhism, Mahayana Buddhism and Tantric Buddhism. 小乘佛教又称“僧人之道”,其思想最接近佛陀的教导。小乘佛教在斯里兰卡及大多数东南亚国家占主导地位。公元初年,大乘佛教逐渐兴起,其佛理更具包容性与改良性。大乘佛教下分禅宗、净土宗等多种派别。密宗佛教于公元7世纪开始在印度出现,并逐渐流传至喜马拉雅雪域及远东的许多地区。密宗佛教具有神秘特质的修行思想,拥有众多神秘仪式和修行方法。这三大佛教派别显然有许多不同之处,但是不能误认为它们就是三个完全分离独立的实体,因为它们的基本教义相同,并且都表现出对“佛教三宝”,即佛、法、僧的一致尊崇。 The Mahayana Buddhism, also known as "the way of the monks", is closest to the Buddha's teachings. The Mahayana Buddhism is dominant in Sri Lanka and most Southeast Asian countries. In the early part of the 20th century, Mahayana Buddhism gradually emerged, and its Buddhism was more inclusive and reformative. Under the Mahayana Buddhism, there are various factions such as Zen and pure land. Tantric Buddhism began to appear in India in the 7th century A.D. and gradually spread to many parts of the Himalayas and the Far East. Tantric Buddhism has a mystical character of practice, with numerous mystical rituals and practices. There are obviously many differences among the three Buddhist sects, but they can not be mistaken for three entity completely separated and independent, because their basic doctrine is the same, and they all show the same respect for the "three treasures of Buddhism", that is, Buddha, Dharma and monks. 铜雕产生于商周,是以铜料为胚,运用雕刻、铸塑等手法制作的一种雕塑。铜雕艺术主要表现了造型、质感、纹饰的美,多用于表现神秘有威慑力的宗教题材。如佛像等。 The bronze carving is produced in Shang and Zhou dynasties. It is a sculpture made of copper material, which is made by carving and casting. The art of bronze sculpture mainly displays the beauty of sculpture, texture and decoration, and is mostly used to express mysterious and deterrent religious themes. Such as Buddha statues. 其造型多成威严粗犷、端庄沉稳之态,表现出坚实浑厚、富丽辉煌的质感。铜雕的纹饰主要为饕餮纹,或以动物头部造型,再以鸟、兽、虫、鱼部分形体组成抽象的图案来衬托铜雕造型。中国历史上重要的铜雕艺术品有西周的“伯矩”鬲,晚商的“司母戊”鼎以及汉代的“马踏飞燕”。 Its shape is majestic, rugged, dignified and steady, showing a solid, rich, splendid texture. The decorative patterns of the bronze carvings are mainly glutton patterns, or animal head patterns, and then to birds, animals, insects, fish parts of the form of abstract patterns to foil the bronze carvings. Important bronze carvings in Chinese history include the "Bo Li" of the Western Zhou Dynasty, the "Si Mu Wu" Ding of the late Shang Dynasty and the "Ma Ta Fei Yan" of the Han Dynasty. |
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