铜雕佛像如今行情好不好? |
添加时间:2018/1/26 14:02:08 浏览次数: |
近日,在纽约举办的一场拍卖会上,一座“西藏11/12世纪铜瑜伽士坐像”以486.9万美元的成交价创下西藏雕塑拍卖世界纪录,引起界内激烈重视。 Recently, an auction held in New York meeting, a "Tibet century yogi 11/12 copper statue" to the transaction price of $4 million 869 thousand hit Tibet sculpture auction world record, caused by intense attention. 无独有偶,记者从业内人士口中得悉,本年开端,内地佛像拍卖完毕了前两年报价继续下跌的局势再次升温,一些技能精深、存世量较少的明清佛像也让很多藏家们摩拳擦掌,热情高涨。佳士得拍卖行的一位工作人员就对记者说,2015年春拍以来,内地佛像拍卖报价完全是呈直线上升的趋势。 Coincidentally, the reporter learned from insiders in the mouth, begin this year, the mainland auction ended two years ago, Buddha price continued to fall the situation heating up again, some skills are deep, surviving statues of Ming and Qing Dynasties less also made a lot of enthusiastic collectors eager for a fight. A staff member of the Christie's auction house told reporters that since the spring of 2015, the auction price of the mainland Buddha was in a straight upward trend. 汉和十六国时期,佛像方脸,相貌陡峭,头发平直,为坐式。这一时期的佛多为单的,尺幅较小。例如1989年1月,四川绵阳何家山东汉晚期崖墓出土一株铜质摇钱树,树干上铸有佛像5尊,每尊高6.5厘米,头后有横椭圆形光,头顶有肉髻,双眼微从事,两耳较大,上唇有髭,穿通肩袈裟,右手施无畏印相,左手拳执,结跏跌座佛衣下垂呈“U”形,绕于手腕,垂于足前,这是中国发现的时代最早的铜佛像了。 And in the period of sixteen, the Buddha square face, looks steep, hair straight, for the ride. During this period, the Buddha was more than a single, small size. For example, in January 1989, Sichuan Mianyang Hejiashan late Eastern Han Dynasty unearthed a tomb on the trunk line of copper rolling Qian Shu, cast 5 Buddha statues, each statue is 6.5 cm high, after the head is horizontally oval light, head of a meat bun, his eyes slightly in two ears large, upper lip moustache, penetrating shoulder cassock, right hand printing fearlessness. The left hand, hold boxing, a knot or sit cross legged Buddha clothes hanging in a "U" shape, around the wrist, hanging on the foot before, this is Chinese found in the earliest times copper buddha. |
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