铜雕佛像有没有市场价值?收藏价值如何? |
添加时间:2017/12/27 17:26:40 浏览次数: |
在汉传佛教中,无量寿佛只是阿弥陀佛汉译十三个名号中的一个名号,它具有特别的意义,象征时间的无限,但并不流行,更无单独的崇拜。然而,在藏传佛教中,情况就有所不同。首先,阿弥陀佛被一分为二,变成了相对独立的两个神格——无量寿佛和无量光佛,阿弥陀佛的名称亦随之消失。再者,两尊佛的地位和功用也不相同,一种观点认为无量寿佛是报身佛,无量光佛是化身佛;再一种观点认为无量光佛是原生的,无量寿佛是无量光佛化现和派生的,前者为主,后者为次。无量寿佛注重现实世界的救助,具有增福延寿的功用,而无量光佛是智慧的象征,注重来世救助,专门接引众生往生西方极乐世界。若祈求智慧,则皈依无量光佛,若祈求延寿福乐,则皈依无量寿佛。其次,两尊佛还各有不同的身形,无量寿佛为菩萨装,无量光佛则为比丘装。关于阿弥陀佛一分为二的两种神格,意大利著名藏学家图齐也有专门论述,他认为:“无量光是化身——如来相;无量寿是报身——菩萨相,无量光持钵,无量寿持长寿宝瓶。”图齐还特别指出,在功能与样式上将二者区别表现是西藏大师的创造,汉地没有这种迹象。在藏传佛教寺庙中,无量寿佛的造像比较多见,供奉十分普遍,无量光佛相对要少一些。 In Buddhism, the Buddha amitayus is the Chinese translation of Amitabha thirteen in the name of a name, it has the special significance, symbol of unlimited time, but is not popular, but no separate worship. However, in Tibetan Buddhism, the situation is different. First of all, Amitabha is a relatively independent One divides into two., two Godhead -- amitayus Buddha and Amitabha Buddha, the name of Amitabha also disappeared. Moreover, the status and function of the two Buddhists are different. One view is that the boundless Shou Buddha is the Buddha of reporting Buddha, the Buddha of infinite quantity is the embodiment of Buddha. Another view is that the infinite light Buddha is original, and the "boundless life Buddha" is the essence of the Buddha. Amitayus focus on real world relief, has the function of increasing lifespan, and the Amitabha Buddha is the symbol of wisdom, focusing on the afterlife relief, specifically led all West Elysian Fields. If he prayed for wisdom, he converted to the Buddha of boundless light, and if he prayed for longevity, he converted to the Buddha of no quantity. Secondly, the two Buddha also has different shape, amitayus Buddha, Amitabha Buddha, monks with. About two of the Godhead Amitabha One divides into two. Italy famous Tibetologist, Tucci also has a specific discussion, he said: "no amount of light is the incarnation of Buddha - phase; amitayus is reported to the body of a Bodhisattva, no amount of light to bowl, amitayus to longevity aquarius." Tucci also pointed out that the function and style, the difference between the two is the creation of Tibet Han master, no sign of this. In the Tibetan Buddhist temples, the statues of the Buddha of unlimited longevity are much more common, the worship is very common, and the Buddha of no quantity is relatively small. 在我国古代铜佛像发展过程中,明代出现了新的高峰,仅大型铜佛像的铸造这一门类即有了长足的发展,不仅数量多,种类多,而且,还有创新。据不完全统计,我国现存古代大型铜佛像共151尊,其中明代的大铜佛像为90尊,占59.6%,即占了六成,且各个题材,释迦牟尼佛、毗卢遮那佛、卢舍那佛、弥勒佛等等均有涉及。这些大型铜佛像在全国范围内的分散供奉亦从旁证明,有明一朝,铸造大型铜佛像,几乎在全国各地百花齐放。 During the development of bronze statues in ancient China, the new peak appeared in the Ming Dynasty. Only a large number of bronze statues had been developed rapidly, not only in quantity, but also in innovation. According to incomplete statistics, China's existing 151 large ancient bronze Buddha statue, which is 90 of the Ming Dynasty bronze Buddha statue, accounted for 59.6%, which accounted for 60%, and each theme, Shakya Muni Buddha, Vairocana, Rocana Buddha, Buddha Maitreya and so on are involved. The spread and worship of these large copper Buddha statues have also been proved by the whole country. There is a Ming Dynasty and the casting of large copper Buddha statues is almost everywhere in all parts of the country. 释迦牟尼,作为佛教创始人,在古印度佛教徒的心中代表着英勇无畏,故善称为“大雄”,所以,供奉释迦牟尼为主尊的殿就称作大雄宝殿,既有单独供奉的,亦有作为三世佛或三身佛中的主尊来供奉的。 Shakya Muni, as the founder of Buddhism in ancient India, the Buddhist heart represents the brave, so called "good Lord", so the temple was dedicated to Shakya Muni the main statue called the main hall, is a separate worship, also as the main statue of Buddha III or three Buddha in the shrine. 大型寺庙中的佛像大多数是泥塑像或木雕像,铜铸佛像本身数量就极为稀少,且集中在明代,现存明代释迦牟尼佛的大型铜坐像仅12尊左右。其中,浙江天台县国清寺的释迦牟尼铜像最为高大,通高达6.8m;山东长清县灵岩寺千佛殿中的释迦牟尼铜像,是作为三身佛中的应身佛供奉的,高3.67m,铸于明嘉靖二十二年(1543年);北京戒台寺大雄宝殿和陕西渭南下吉镇慧照寺以及甘肃张掖市大佛寺金塔殿的释迦牟尼铜像,是作为三世佛中的现在佛供奉的;山东泰安市普照寺大雄宝殿、云南姚安德丰寺大殿、陕西咸阳市博物馆和北京市首都博物馆等存藏的释迦牟尼铜像,则是独立的释迦牟尼佛大型铜像。 Large Temple Buddha in the most is like clay or wood like bronze statues, the number itself is extremely rare, and concentrated in the Ming Dynasty, the Ming Dynasty Shakya Muni Buddha statue statue around only 12 large copper. The statue of Shakya Muni in Zhejiang Tiantai Guoqing temple is the tall, pass up to 6.8m; the statue of Shakya Muni in Shandong Changqing County Lingyansi Temple Buddha, as the Buddha of three bodies in the high 3.67M Buddha worship, and cast in the Ming Jiajing twenty-two years (1543); Beijing or Taiwan Temple main hall and Shaanxi Weinan Ji Zhao Temple and Zhenhui dafusi Gansu Zhangye Jinta temple is a statue of Shakya Muni, as of now the Buddha worship Buddha III; Shandong Tai'an city hall, Yunnan Yao Zhao si de Feng temple hall, Shaanxi Museum of Xianyang city and Beijing City, the capital museum preserved the bronze statue of Shakya Muni, is independent a large bronze statue of Shakya Muni buddha. |
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